Students at the CREATES Think Tank for Advising present their work at UCM in April 2019.

On 14-16. November 2019, the three CREATES development teams on academic advising will share their ideas and offer a range of activities that will help you to gain insight in the main objectives and core  principles of academic advising. Held at University College Maastricht, the topic of advising will be approached from three distinct yet related perspectives:

  1. Faculty advising – on the role teaching staff can play as advisors, mentors or personal tutors;
  2. Peer advising – on how students can play an active role in the advising process;
  3. Self-advising – on the role of interactive and reflective online tools in advising.

The program consists of a joint session in which the groups will present themselves and the broader concept of academic advising will be explored, three sessions of half a day each in which each of the teams organize presentations, workshops and discussions, and a wrap-up session aimed at evaluating and discussing the overall coherence between the three perspectives. This event is meant for teaching staff, administrators and students with an interest in promoting student success through academic advising.

Feedback and materials produced during the event will be used by the development teams to finalize the materials in Toolkit 2, 3 and 4.

Those interested in attending should contact the CREATES project manager: