CREATES educators produced these four toolkits especially for faculty and staff who are interested in clear ideas about and concrete examples of co-creative learning and advising practices. Meant to inspire educators towards more active, engaged pedagogies that foster the CREATES key competences, they provide reflections but also concrete strategies, tools, approaches, tips and other resources that can be used to implement the CREATES approach.  

These toolkits are NOT one-size-fits-all instruction booklets, but rather a source of information about how more active, engaged, collaborative, and co-creative learning can be put into practice. 

Teachers, but also students and administrators, are invited to explore the toolkits in any order, based on their needs or interests.


Toolkit for Co-creative Learning

Learning that is co-creative and student-centered requires innovative classroom approaches. This toolkit describes seven specific techniques that support active, engaged learning. Each section defines the technique, specifies the learning objectives it supports, and offers tips and examples.

Classroom Techniques:


Toolkit for Faculty Advising

The term ‘faculty advising’ is shorthand for ‘advising by those who are in a primary teaching role’. Based on research and our own experience, we present perspectives on the role teaching staff can play in advising students – and we offer a set of concrete tools and resources that support that advising role.

Toolkit Sections:


Toolkit for Peer Advising

Put most simply, peer advising is “students helping students.” Yet this may involve various formal and informal activities. This toolkit suggests four key sets of decisions to consider before implementing (or revising an existing) peer advising plan. You are invited to explore the sets of key decisions in any order.

Toolkit Sections:


Toolkit for Self-advising

Self-Advising refers to tools and resources that enable students to explore information and insights that are relevant for making choices about their education on their own. These tools and resources are intended to provide individualized information on their study progress and personalized recommendations for courses and graduate programs, or to stimulate reflection on a student’s learning and identity.

Toolkit Sections: