On a sunny, spring day, 4. April 2019, the CREATES Steering Committee met at Sciences Po in Paris.
The project manager updated the committee on the development teams’ progress on the four toolkits and discussed the plans for the remaining CREATES events for students and staff. They reviewed finances and announced the successful submission of the mid-term report to the DAAD in January 2019.
The committee discussed key decisions for the position and academic papers on individualized, student-centered education in Europe. Those interested in these publications and in learning more about the CREATES approach should look out for our multiplier events planned for spring and summer 2020, which were also discussed at the transnational meeting in Paris.
Finally, each six steering committee member, in an exercise of endurance, signed all twenty-seven certificates of completion for the student participants of the CREATES Think Tank on advising, which was simultaneously taking place in Maastricht.